Don't call EMC expert during the night if run is not physics
[QC on FLP - plot integrated over the run] Payload Size/events#
good quality | bad quality | empty |
- If "Data OK" is shown, everything is fine.
- If some of the DDL presents entries that are larger than the others, a red message will appears: please call EMCAL oncall.
- If the plot is empty, and EMCAL is included in the data taking, call EMCAL oncall.
[QC on FLP - plot integrated over the run] Bunch minimum amplitude EMCAL+DCAL#
good quality | bad quality |
- One peak should be visibile for all supermodules around 0 if EMCAL is in data taking.
- If the peak moves to the range 20-50 "Min raw amplitude (ADC)" for any supermodule, or a second peak appears for any supermodule in that range , call EMCAL oncall
- If the plot is empty, and EMCAL is included in the data taking: please call EMCAL oncall
[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run] Cell Occupancy plots (PHYS) for E>0.2 GeV and E<0.2 GeV#
good quality | good quality | bad quality |
- The occupancy plots should be uniformly filled.
- if something noisy appears, please call the EMCAL oncall.
- If the plot is empty, and EMCAL is included in the data taking, call EMCAL oncall.
[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run] Cell Amplitude#
- If the plot is empty, and EMCAL is included in the data taking, call EMCAL oncall.
[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run] Digit Time#
- if the peaks are not present, call EMCAL oncall.
- If the plot is empty, and EMCAL is included in the data taking, call EMCAL oncall.
Known issues#
Do not call EMC oncall during the night for QC plots related errors for non PHYSICS runs, unless a PHYSICS run is expected next.
For the plot "Number of Physics triggers per timeframe" the expected value is currently approx 20. If value is below 15 for at least 2 consecutive timestamps, call on-call.
Payload Size/Event can be ignored in all runs till further notice
In plot "Raw data errors" (error rate) quality is bad if the rate is above 100 errors / minute for several minutes, and good if it is below.
An empty region is expected near the bottom-right corner for CAL (Calibration) triggers.