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Quality summary#

QualitySummaryGood QualitySummaryBad

The left panel summarises all MFT QC checks for the last QC cycle. The top line gives aggregated quality status with the text message suggesting actions for the QC shifter. * Quality: BAD: contact MFT on-call expert * Quality: Medium: create a log entry * Quality: NULL: the plots are empty.

The bottom line shows an example of BAD status in Chips in error, Digit occupancy and Cluster occupancy plots.

The right panel provides a time trend of the MFT QC summary. If MFT quality is BAD for the whole run duration, MFT should be tagged as BAD in the logbook.

Chips in Error/Fault/Warning#

[QC on FLP - plot reset at each cycle] ReadoutChipsError ReadoutChipsFault ReadoutChipsWarning

Plot description

This plot is created on the FLPs. The histogram shows the number of MFT chips in Error/Fault/Warning and provides their list up to 20 entries.

Checks to be done

Check the message on the histogram.

Actions to be taken

Follow the instructions on the histogram message. Since MFT has auto-recovery of sensors implemented, call the on-call if the quality remains bad for more than 2 minutes.

Digit Occupancy Summary#

[QC on FLP - plot integrated over the run]DigitOccSummary

Plot description

This plot is created on the FLPs. The histogram shows the number of digits per ROF (Readout Frame) per MFT zone.

Checks to be done

There is an automatic checker for empty zones.

Actions to be taken

If several MFT zones are empty, the quality is bad (message in red), call the MFT on-call immediately.

Cluster Occupancy Summary#

[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run]ClusterOccSummary

Plot description

This plot is created on the EPNs. The histogram shows the number of clusters per MFT zone.

Checks to be done

There is an automatic checker for empty zones.

Actions to be taken

If several MFT zones are empty, the quality is bad (message in red), call the MFT on-call immediately.

Distribution of the #clusters per ROF#

[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run]clustersROF_pp

Plot description

This plot is created on the EPNs. The histogram shows the ROF size for clusters.

Checks to be done

The histogram should look similar to the good quality references (left) in this documentation.

Actions to be taken

If the plot looks significantly different from the good quality references call the MFT on-call.

Distribution of the #tracks per ROF#

[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run]tracksROF_pp

Plot description

This plot is created on the EPNs. The histogram shows the ROF size for tracks.

Checks to be done

The histogram should look similar to the good quality references (left) in this documentation.

Actions to be taken

If the plot looks significantly different from the good quality references call the MFT on-call.

Tracks X-Y distribution#

[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run]trackxy_pp

Plot description

This plot is created on the EPNs. The histogram shows the track position in the X-Y plane.

Checks to be done

The histogram should look similar to the good quality reference (left) in this documentation.

Actions to be taken

If the plot looks significantly different from the good quality reference call the MFT on-call.

Tracks eta distribution#

[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run]tracketa_pp

Plot description

This plot is created on the EPNs. The histogram shows the track eta distribution.

Checks to be done

The histogram should look similar to the good quality reference (left) in this documentation.

Actions to be taken

If the plot looks significantly different from the good quality reference call the MFT on-call.

Tracks phi distribution#

[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run]trackphi_pp

Plot description

This plot is created on the EPNs. The histogram shows the track phi distribution.

Checks to be done

The histogram should look similar to the good quality reference (left) in this documentation.

Actions to be taken

If the plot looks significantly different from the good quality reference call the MFT on-call.