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General considerations#

If any of the plots listed in this page remains empty during a run, please write a mattermost message to the ZDC on-call

  • Typical Data Rate: 54 MB/s
  • Run duration: To manually stop
  • DCS state: SS

This run will not create any object in the CCDB.


[QC on FLP] alt text

A plot related to a good calibration will have every channel aligned to sample 6 like in the picture. Otherwise it will be considered bad, as in the picture below.

If this plot is empty or shows an error, please write a mattermost message to the ZDC on-call. Please remember that this plot must not have empty channels, the only good output is the one in the picture. Below is an example of bad plot. alt text

Baseline Summary#

[QC on FLP] alt text

This plot is self-checking, just look if the run number is correct and the status is OK as in the picture above.

If this plot is empty or shows an error, please write a mattermost message to the ZDC on-call. Below is an example of bad plot.

alt text

Raw Data Error#

[QC on FLP] This plot should always be empty, if at the end of the run there are entries please write a mattermost message to the ZDC on-call. Please remember to check the run number at each run.

Example of good plot: alt text

Example of bad plot: alt text


[QC on FLP] zdc_rate_good

A good plot will have every channel at (4.0+-0.2) KHz. If any channel does not respect that please write a mattermost message to the ZDC on-call. Please remember to check the run number at each run.

Example of bad plot: zdc_rate_bad

Known issues#

FLP InfoLoger: message: "Baseline Error in PED_Z%" message: "Rec Error in ADC_Z%" Detector ZDC. During SYNTHETIC runs this can be ignored.