FDD: General#
All QC plots are generated in 5 min. cycles. The histogram contents are reseted after each cycle. Please wait at least 5 min. from the start of the RUN to judge about the quality of collected data.
If a non-critical (i.e. expendable) QC task fails, please add a bookkeeping entry about it.
FDD: Out of bunch collisions#
[QC on EPN/QC nodes - plot integrated over the QC cycle]
BC vs trigger correlation for the events which were detected but are not aligned (out-of-bunch) with LHC filling scheme. The number of out-of-bunch events depends on the trigger settings.
- If ERROR/WARNING - make a bookkeeping entry.
FDD: Fraction of events with CFD in ADC gate#
[QC on EPN/QC nodes - plot integrated over the QC cycle]
Efficiency for getting charge information in each detector channel. Horizontal lines show the levels below which the warnings/errors are raised.
- If ERROR/WARNING - make a bookkeeping entry.
Known issues#
- The Out of bunch collisions plot can be ignored in SYNTHETIC runs at the moment (i.e. no need to take any actions in case of not GOOD quality). The BC distribution is not simulated properly in MC and will always cause problems in this plot.