FT0: General#
All QC plots are generated in 5 min. cycles. The histogram contents are reseted after each cycle. Please wait at least 10 min. from the start of the RUN to judge about the quality of collected data.
If a non-critical (i.e. expendable) QC task fails, please add a bookkeeping entry about it.
FT0: Out of bunch collisions#
[QC on EPN/QC nodes - plot integrated over the QC cycle]
BC vs trigger correlation for the events which were detected but are not aligned (out-of-bunch) with LHC filling scheme. The number of out-of-bunch events depends on the trigger settings. For the Vertex trigger should be almost ZERO counts.
- If ERROR/WARNING - make a bookkeeping entry.
FT0: CFD efficiency#
[QC on EPN/QC nodes - plot integrated over the QC cycle]
Efficiency for getting charge information in each detector channel. Horizontal lines show the levels below which the warnings/errors are raised.
- If ERROR/WARNING - make a bookkeeping entry.
Known issues#
- channels 60-63 (FT0A side) are OFF in PHYSICS and COSMICS runs
- channels 139 and 176-179 (FT0C side) are OFF in PHYSICS and COSMICS runs