Ignore alarms if TOF is not READY
Readout map (Slot Participating)#
[QC on FLP - plot integrated over the run]
Green panel: good quality | Red panel: bad quality |
The plot shows a map of TOF readout slots per crate. The checker controls if enough crates are in the readout, if it detects lower than expected the quality is set to BAD. In case of red allarm please call TOF oncall.
Hit Multiplicity#
[QC on EPN - plot integrated over the run]
IMPORTANT: please ignore warnings for this histogram untill further notice, see also TOF known issues paragraph.
Green panel: good quality | Yellow panel: medium quality |
The plot shows the number of hits detected by TOF, a checker provides instructions for the shifter based on measured counts. ~~In case of yellow allarm please contact TOF on-call via email, in case of red alarm call TOF expert.~~
Known issues#
Slot Participating will not update in REPLAY Runs, this is a known issue do not call the oncall.