Synthetic runs#
Monitor if plots are not empty and timestamps are updated.
If you see "Number of entries has not changed in the past cycle" but run is still ongoing inform the oncall.
[QC on EPN] Digit Map in M2,3,4#
The plots represent number of digits seen in each channel. Note that in SYNTHETIC runs the Digit Maps can be rather sparse because of little statistics replayed from MC simulated data.
Ignore any red messages except "Number of entries has not changed in the past cycle".
[QC on EPN] Errors occurance#
The plot shows decoder error occurance per event.
There are 2 types of synthetic runs:
- Data replay as input for synthetic loop. Please inform oncall in case when plot is not OK.
- MC events as input for synthetic loop. For such runs no decoder errors are expected. If plot is not empty please inform the on-call. Bad example: errors present but message is "Ok"
Please ask SL or RM if run type is data replay or MC simulted.
Minimal duration after SOR before taking any action required by these instructions: 5 min
Known issues#
In PEDESTAL runs QC plot "Pedestal sigma distribution M3 is bad". Acording to expert, noise conditions in CPV depend on general environment in ALICE, therefore, from time to time CPV pedestals can become wider which is reflected in QC-CPV calibration run plot with the message "Number of bad pedestal sigmas in module M3 (sometimes in M2) is larger than the upper limit". This is a known issue, can be ignored, but make a log entry when it happens. See: https://ali-bookkeeping.cern.ch/?page=log-detail&id=45015
In PHYSICS runs Red messages on QC Plot "Digit Map in M4". Problem with high voltage is preventing this module from running normally. Experts are trying to recover. No need to report. Run quality must be setted to "good" if there are no problems with other modules. See: https://ali-bookkeeping.cern.ch/?page=log-detail&id=53523. Quality aggregator is also expected to show bad quality for
Digit oocupancy check
andCalibDigit amplitude check