Busy time#
[QC on FLP]
The plot shows the busy time of the detector. In case more than three equipments exceeds 120 microsec or the plot is empty call HMP on-call
Event size#
[QC on FLP]
The plot shows the busy time of the detector. In case more than three equipments exceeds 13 kB or the plot is empty call HMP on-call
Sum Q maps#
[QC on FLP]
The plot shows the charge of all the detector channels in only one 2D map. It looks like the example plot shown above. In case it is completely empty call HMP on-call.
Charge vs HV sector#
[QC on FLP]
The plot shows the charge of all the detector HV sectors in only one 2D map. It looks like the example plot shown above. The white bands correspond to the faulty HV sectors that are off. In case more than two bands (w.r.t those shown here) became white call the an-call.
[QC on FLP]
The plot shows the occupancy for each detector DDL. In case more than three equipments exceeds 3% or the plot is empty call HMP on-call
Known issues#
For the moment links 3 and 12, exlcuded from data taking