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  • In PEDESTAL runs QC plot "Pedestal sigma distribution M3 is bad". Acording to expert, noise conditions in CPV depend on general environment in ALICE, therefore, from time to time CPV pedestals can become wider which is reflected in QC-CPV calibration run plot with the message "Number of bad pedestal sigmas in module M3 (sometimes in M2) is larger than the upper limit". This is a known issue, can be ignored, but make a log entry when it happens. See:

  • In PHYSICS runs Red messages on QC Plot "Digit Map in M4". Problem with high voltage is preventing this module from running normally. Experts are trying to recover. No need to report. Run quality must be setted to "good" if there are no problems with other modules. See: Quality aggregator is also expected to show bad quality for Digit oocupancy check and CalibDigit amplitude check.



  • Do not call EMC oncall during the night for QC plots related errors for non PHYSICS runs, unless a PHYSICS run is expected next.

  • Payload Size/Event can be ignored in all runs till further notice

  • Errors on "Raw data errors" plot should be ignored until further notice.

  • An empty region is expected near the bottom-right corner for CAL (Calibration) triggers. Cell Occupancy EMCAL,DCAL with E>0.5 GeV/c CAL



  • ignore WARNINIG/ERROR in SYNTHETIC runs (bc filling table and trigger settings in the simulations to be fixed)



  • channels 139 and 176-179 are OFF in PHYSICS and COSMICS runs
  • channel 61 shows sometimes low counts and might generate ERROR by the CFD in ADC gate checker in PHYSICS runs (ignore at the moment; no problem for Luminosity monitoring)
  • ignore WARNINIG/ERROR in SYNTHETIC runs (bc filling table and trigger settings in the simulations to be fixed)



  • ignore WARNINIG/ERROR in SYNTHETIC runs (bc filling table and trigger settings in the simulations to be fixed)



For the moment links 3 and 12, exlcuded from data taking





  • In SYNTHETIC runs

    • p-p replay, run 539649 will always appear with quality BAD. No need to log it each time.
    • p-p replay, file:///local/replay/2023-10-05-pp-500kHz-4tf/readout-replay-24g-dd160.cfg will always appear with quality BAD. No need to log it each time.
    • In pbpb replay MCH will also be bad untill it fixed (13/03/2024).
  • In COSMICS runs

    • Bad Preclusters quality: Bad Mean Efficiency vs DE(B) and Mean Efficiency vs DE(NB) show multiple bins below threshold value. This is being addressed and a notification via a logbook entry is enough for now.
  • FLP Infologger

    • QC plots have been disabled and will generate some errors about not-found plots that can be ignored, for instance :
      • Requested resource does not exist:
      • Requested resource does not exist:
      • Requested resource does not exist:



  • MID has some empty bins in SYNTETHIC runs on "Local boards Occupancy Map" plot. Ignore them till it will be fixed





  • COSMIC, TECHNICAL, PHYSICS_PP runs Cell HG occupancy, mod[1-4]: white horizontal stripes can be seen which differs from the reference plots. QC shifter can ignore these patterns, because they are caused by dynamic FEE mask which is changed by the PHOS experts without prior notice. Only completely empty plots should be reported by the QC shifter to PHOS/CPV on-call
  • COSMIC, TECHNICAL, PHYSICS_PP runs Cell HG occupancy, mod1 shows missing data in the area x=(32,47);z=(0,27) since end of March 2023. This is a known issue and is being investigated by PHS experts. No need to report it in the QC EOS reports and no calls to PHS/CPV shifters are needed.
  • COSMIC, TECHNICAL, PHYSICS_PP runsSometimes QC shifters report on the error message in EPN infoLogger: Trailer decoding error: Last RCU trailer word not found. These errors are persistent, they appear in all COSMIC, TECHNICAL, PHYSICS runs since the beginning of Run3, and caused by a bug in SRU firmware. All these errors should be ignored.





Cosmic run plot practically empty#

There is temporarily no gain in the TPC, therefore no signals are generated. Physics plots (cosmics, laser) are thus practically empty.



QC plots for COSMICS are not consistent with the documentation. - For the "Data sizes from HalfCRU header" plot shows deviations due to noisy sectors (values around 2500). This issue can be ignored till documentation is up to date. - For the "Number of Tracklets per timeframe" plot has a double peak structure in COSMICS and a lot of entries in the underflow bin (around 90% of tracklets). The experts have been notified. The relevant log can be found here: The issue may be fixed in future or the documentation updated.



<<<<<<< docs/zdc/

======= FLP InfoLoger: message: "Baseline Error in PED_Z%" message: "Rec Error in ADC_Z%" Detector ZDC. During SYNTHETIC runs this can be ignored.
